宇治抹茶の生チョコ バレンタインに。抹茶好きの方に贈りたい、大好物の生チョコです。ほろ苦さと香りがすばらしく、ほのかな甘みもある京都宇治抹茶をたっぷり練り込み、濃厚でコクがありつつ後口がすっきりとしたオーム乳業の生クリームを使用しています。 作り方も小鍋ひとつで溶かすだけ。是非お試しください。 src : https://recipe.cotta.jp/recipe.php?recipeid=00010391 基本の生チョコ スイートチョコレート – 250g 生クリーム – 250ml 無塩バター – 20g ココアパウダー – 適量 src : https://recipe.cotta.jp/recipe.php?recipeid=00012881

This is a placeholder help document for my next app : Diet Calendar – made for people with Irritable bowel syndrome or any special dietary conditions that may unexpectedly get poisoned by food.
Keeping track of the food you have with this simple diet calendar, should remind you what could possibly cause your digestion issue, what better to avoid.
Notes for myself as I need to set up such connection quite often. Would be helpful to remind myself how to create a shortcut to ssh into cPanel (or any remote machine). Say, if I want to ssh from A to B. To unlock the door at B, I must create a key from the […]