Privacy Policy Your privacy is important to us. It is our policy to respect your privacy and comply with any applicable law and regulation regarding any personal information we may collect about you, including across our website,, and other sites we own and operate. This policy is effective as of 22 May 2022 and […]

Simply a time keeper. With Activity Logger, you can easily track your time with a single tap. It come with a preset collection of activities ready to go, simply tap on any of them to start / switch activities. You could also delete those presets and add your own activities. More than a time keeper! […]

It’s known that 10000 hour of practice is required to reach the mastery of playing any, well, violin for instance. And if you are able to practice 8 hours a day everyday, this takes at least 3.5 years to complete. But what if you don’t have 8 hours a day to practice? What if you […]