Privacy Policy Your privacy is important to us. It is our policy to respect your privacy and comply with any applicable law and regulation regarding any personal information we may collect about you, including across our website,, and other sites we own and operate. This policy is effective as of 22 May 2022 and […]
Simply a time keeper. With Activity Logger, you can easily track your time with a single tap. It come with a preset collection of activities ready to go, simply tap on any of them to start / switch activities. You could also delete those presets and add your own activities. More than a time keeper! […]

It should cover all the functionalities and tricks you will need to know.
If you cannot find the what you are looking for, feel free to report the issue as mentioned in the Feedback section.
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宇治抹茶の生チョコ バレンタインに。抹茶好きの方に贈りたい、大好物の生チョコです。ほろ苦さと香りがすばらしく、ほのかな甘みもある京都宇治抹茶をたっぷり練り込み、濃厚でコクがありつつ後口がすっきりとしたオーム乳業の生クリームを使用しています。 作り方も小鍋ひとつで溶かすだけ。是非お試しください。 src : 基本の生チョコ スイートチョコレート – 250g 生クリーム – 250ml 無塩バター – 20g ココアパウダー – 適量 src :

This is a placeholder help document for my next app : Diet Calendar – made for people with Irritable bowel syndrome or any special dietary conditions that may unexpectedly get poisoned by food.
Keeping track of the food you have with this simple diet calendar, should remind you what could possibly cause your digestion issue, what better to avoid.
Notes for myself as I need to set up such connection quite often. Would be helpful to remind myself how to create a shortcut to ssh into cPanel (or any remote machine). Say, if I want to ssh from A to B. To unlock the door at B, I must create a key from the […]

The initial idea was to make another facebook / twitter but features message browsing on a geo map instead of vertical timeline.
This also introduced the rule that nobody is allowed to use picture from their camera-roll…you are only allowed to post whatever from your camera. Surprise? Of course I don’t want to see a picture of The Great Wall posted in Antarctica! All posts must be directly associated to their location, otherwise the whole message map would be nonsense.
I wrote a simple backend from scratch in python with mongoDB and front end again in objective-C, a friend helped me set up the servers, they are located in Australia and France hosting the API and database respectively.
Download it from App Store: CLICK_ME
Learn more about this project: CLICK_ME
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The symptoms and triggers of misophonia are varied and unique to each person who suffers from selective sound sensitivity syndrome. Source: Symptoms and Triggers – Misophonia Online – What is Misophonia?

Eager to play the Liszt transcription of Beethoven’s symphony 6, I have to tweak some ridiculously wide chords, otherwise I might need a surgery increasing my handspan.
The rearrangement is created with MuseScore, try it on your keyboard and you’ll see how much easier it is from the original!
DOWNLOAD: Pastorale_1st_movement_v1.0

Human beings have many ways of putting their day dreams into action. Writing stories would be one of the cheapest.
After seeking for the BEST writing app in the market, fishing for a distract-free environment and chose thousands of ambient music and even designed a fiction writing & showcase app myself !
…figured I better just grab a pen and paper to make a start.
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